Do you know about Evidence Library for your Sustainability Research?

vikram shetty
73bit Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2019


Photo by Paul Schafer on

Evidence becomes the backbone of your benchmarks and assessments. To manage the documents, public web link and other artifacts are vital. Your time is spent on organising them and linking them to specific responses. This can be cumbersome to both participants and analyst.

One of the solutions is to have evidence library utility to store all evidence in one place.

Evidence Library is an online repository to collect documents. It could be added to each of the indicators/questions to map them appropriately and also remove the document. When participants or analysts need to visit the document, it should be easily searchable. It is good to have ways to add and edit remarks for mentioning specifics to look into the documents uploaded.

Our Evidence Library has many tiny features which our clients love:

1. You can provide a link and take real time to screen capture and convert it into a pdf file and uploaded it to the platform. Three activities in one click.

2. You can search all the evidence which are in the pool of the current survey of the particular participant.

3. You can search and attach the same evidence file to multiple questions. You can modify the description for that instance if needed.

4. You can edit the reference of the evidence at any given point in time.

5. You can browse all the evidence if you don’t know or remember the name of the evidence.

6. Add additional tit bit information, which can, later on, come in handy.

You can download the ebook from here to read the rest of the chapters.

If you decide to share only one post this week, consider this article next time.

